Bringing It All Together, Grunge-Style – July 3rd, 2013 5:45 pm

Let’s see.

Over the course of the last 24 hours, we’ve been inundated with the chant of “Hail Satan” as pro-aborts flashed their true colours in front of the Texas State Capitol.  (By the way, that colour is red.  If Crayola could introduce it to their carousel configuration, it’d be called “Hell-fire Red”)

Over the course of the last two weeks, leading up to Independence Day celebrations south of the border, many have pushed for the recognition of “religious freedom” while others have debated if the term really has any full weight in relation to a deeply-held Christian faith.

And to tie this post up in a nice, tidy package, there is this.  The late Kurt Cobain came from Catholic stock.  Some have reported that his wife Courtney Love had said Cobain wanted to “convert” to Catholicism before his sudden death in April 1994.

Of course, Cobain’s whereabouts are unknown.  But even the former Nirvana frontman knew where bad people went.  Too bad he couldn’t find the time or creativity to add “if unrepentant”, somewhere in “Lake of Fire”.

Where do bad people go when they die,

they don’t go to Heaven where the angels fly,

go to a Lake of Fire and fry,

see ’em again ’til the Fourth of July.

(post-script – I used to listen to Grunge.  Was more a fan of Alice in Chains, back in the day.  Still an AIC fan.  There is so much tragedy surrounding some of the characters in this pop-culture we’ve created.  Ironically enough, it was these sad episodes that plunged me into a deeper faith.  I still think of Layne Staley’s demise whenever I hear “Heaven Beside You”.  Alas, I’ll leave that for another post.)