We MUST Stop Playing Defense On Marriage! – July 3rd, 2013 10:09 pm

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“… the advocates of homosexual so-called marriage now seek to deny the nature of marriage. They do so on the excuse of promoting equal treatment for homosexuals. But the necessary and intended result of their advocacy is to deny the family’s functional claim to be an expression of human nature, indeed the primordial expression of its social aspect. This, in turn, allows them to deny that the individuals who make up the family are engaged in an exercise of right, according to the laws of nature and of nature’s God.”
– Alan Keyes


I voiced the same criticism of Scalia last week, shortly after the Supreme Court ruled on DOMA and Prop8. Obviously, not quite as eloquently as the acutely intellectual Dr. Keyes.

Some have been saying government should be out of the marriage business. I disagree, wholeheartedly. Government should be deeply vested in the “business” of Holy Matrimony. It is impinged upon the State to uphold unalienable rights; rights endowed by the Creator. Married man and woman play a mind-blowingly EXCLUSIVE role in the permeation of this Creative Plan. It is stuff of laughingstock to think that homosexuals, and specifically the terminal act of anal sex, can dare hold equal footing in this matter.

I was told by a friend to “chill” because I took exception to Scalia’s dunderheaded comment that both sides of the marriage debate were “cheated” by the Supreme Court rulings on DOMA and Prop8. The fact of the matter is, the gay lobby further unfurled their red carpet towards chaotic cultural revolution, while God-fearing marriage supporters were left hand-wringing and doing so – once again – on the defensive side of the ball.