Yeah. The Cross Is Meant For US… Through Christ. – July 3rd, 2013 10:59 am

Here’s what I know; we will not be able to simply click our heels together and wish that all of this adversity and strife simply mist away into the ether.








This task of counter-revolution (because that’s EXACTLY where we are) is going to take some serious elbow grease.

There will be no change in our culture unless each of us commits to a self-sacrificing love.

And not that the culture is the “end game”.  I believe this self-sacrficining is a paving to the Home we are all intended to reach.

We must lay it all out there.  We must not only believe that all is not lost, but understand fully and completely that we are being called to sacrifice ourselves – our familial relationships, our rolodex, our jobs, our freedoms… our very LIVES – in order to imitate Our King Jesus Christ.

“Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

– The Gospel of St. John 15:13

One of the most powerful words in Scripture, right there.


Close your eyes.  And repeat after me, in your best Dorothy Gale:

“There’s no change without the Cross… there’s no change without the Cross… there’s no change without the Cross… there’s no change without the Cross… there’s no change without the Cross…”

Do you love enough to sacrifice all that you hold near and dear?

Do you believe that we are not made for this temporal state, but for a True Home that eye has not seen nor ear heard?

Dear Christian.  Do you believe?  And if you do, how much?

How much?

There’s no change without the Cross.

There is no change to the culture… to our lives… to our hearts… without the Cross.

Imitate Christ.
