King David Danced. But Our Bishops?… – August 1st, 2013 2:03 pm PT

Yes.  That is “Pacific Time”.

We Goddards are enjoying our time out here in Kamloops, BC visiting family.  But I’m not coming packed with vacation pics.  Instead, I want to ask an honest question: what was the first thing that raced through your mind when you saw Catholic Bishops dancing on stage in Rio?

A Facebook friend had also commented on the fact that King David had also danced before the Ark of the Covenant.  I am going to assume that this person had meant to draw a comparison to dance within the context of liturgy, in which the Bishops were obviously partaking.

King David’s dancing was not liturgical.  The Bishops dancing was.  And it certainly did not sit well with me.

But take a peek as to how it was portrayed in the 1985 film “King David” which had a young Richard Gere in the lead role.

What say you?  What was going through your mind when you saw the Bishops, some sheepishly, waving their hands about during World Youth Day?

Please, keep to the script… and do your darndest to not hurl any “rad-mad-trad” accusations.  Thanks for playing!