“I’m not a “truther” about President Obama being a Muslim, but this is an odd choice of words. I can only hope he meant to say: “We are summoned to push back against those who would distort our religions for their nihilistic ends.””
– Taylor Marshall, “Obama compares Catholic Crusades to Islamic ISIS”
Or maybe, Dr. Taylor Marshall?, it ain’t all that “odd”.
Glad that Doc took up the “pen” in bringing this to light. Might as well, seeing as the sword is seemingly fast-approaching.
That said, I’m always a little suspect when discussion of the Crusades is prefaced with the whole “sure, Catholics perpetrated evil deeds.” I mean… what in the heck did that ever have to do with the “mandate” of the Crusades?
Nothing. Abso-freakin-lutely nothing, with the mandate to stunt Islamic barbarism.
Makes one almost revel in the fact that Christ HIMSELF chose Judas Iscariot.
Don’t it?