The (Re)Definition of Misguided Youth – October 16th, 2013 1:30 pm




On Thursday, October 10th, I made my way to Guelph, Ontario to speak to members of the university’s Life Choice Club.  One of the thrills of being a speaker is bearing the burden of responsibility.  I mean, think about it.  Is there nothing more important than inspiring others to continue along the path that leads to salvation?  Or, in the case of some of the kids that were present that day, beckoning some to do an “about-face” on their path to destruction.

Yeah, I’m sure that sounds more than a tad “judgemental”.  It would… if one didn’t understand what “judge not” actually meant.

But then, we live in the Age of Re-Definition, don’t we?  And at these speaking engagements, I make well sure to underline that words have meanings.  Marriage is between one man and one woman.  Sexual acts between same-sex persons is disordered, intrinsically… and intrinsically evil.  That conception marks the beginning of life is part of life’s definition.

And yet, what was I confronted with following the Q&A?   A throng of confused, self-righteous university students amongst those who completely understood from where I was coming.  In the span of what was only about 20 minutes – which seemed like 20 hours – I was met by a fellow who had re-defined the word “genealogy”.  Let it be clear that he was a so-called same-sex marriage advocate.  Another girl, adorned with a rainbow button on her camouflage jacket, asked what I had against two men “marrying”.  I promptly followed with what she had against 13 people “marrying” in a Catholic church.  Lo, she was one of those thumbs-up on the woman who wed her dolphin-types.

And then, I had a chat with Tyler.  In the Q&A, he had asked about the gay NBA’er who had come out.  I had responded that Jason Collins’ announcement to the world doesn’t change facts, or words for that matter.  After the Q&A, Tyler approached and we chatted for a good 8 minutes.  I thought it had gone well.  He had his points.  I disagreed and pointed him in the direction as to why I disagreed.  He asked if I had ever doubted God or my faith.  I said I was a ‘cradle’ Catholic and had never doubted, which did not mean that I was a ‘good’ Catholic.  I made it clear that I am in a fallen state, but by the grace of God, I am able to climb out of that state.  That, by the grace of God, we are ALL given that opportunity to climb.  Tyler was likely homosexual.  But it did not stop me from loving him in that moment.  My heart lept in my chest at the chance to engage him.  As he spoke, my heart wrenched in a pang of sadness.  I knew that if I truly love him, I could not hold back from the Truth.  I told him that there is nothing that can shake me from the belief in what the Catholic Church says about the intrinsic nature of “gay sex” and of the conjugal act between married man and woman.

We parted ways, but not before a firm handshake shared between people on opposite sides of the fence.  I’ll never forget the handshake and the look in his eyes before he left that classroom.

And I still won’t forget, even after his own spin on what transpired.

Here is Tyler, in his own words –

“Today was tough. I was informed of a speaker coming to campus discussing the topic of discrimination. This individual was allegedly fired from sportsnet for tweeting his views on the sanctity of marriage. He is now on a speaking tour rallying his “soldiers” for the tough fight ahead. Damian Goddard is fighting in the name of traditional marriage, pro-life, freedom of speech, redefining discrimination and queer people having a disorder. The propaganda this man is spreading is disturbing to say the least. Damian and his soldiers demonstrate that human rights and equity work continue to be of the utmost importance for individuals, student unions, the University and society at large. I raised my hand and asked Damian if he had considered applying for a job at Fox news to which he informed me he had. He did not understand my “liberal propaganda” humour. I then asked why he chose to use the strong military driven word “soldier” to define his followers and at what point in his life did he become a soldier? Before or after being fired? He did not answer the question. I then informed him that both he and his soldiers had a tremendous uphill battle to wage, and that society is moving in the other direction. I decided to use a reference he could understand, so I turned to sports. I referred to Jason Collins, the Basketball Player who came out at the end of last season and the tremendous amount of support he received from NBA players and administrators and the world as a whole. All he could say is that his soldiers have a lot of work to do.

In all honestly, this man was most likely fired for being the Ann Coulture of Sportsnet. Never in a hundred years did I expect to hear this at the University of Guelph. All it does is reinforce the work being done around Human Rights and Equity and signify the importance of education and productive conversation as opposed to hate.

After the presentation I went up to Damian and asked him if he ever thought his views and beliefs could be wrong. He said yes, and before he could continue I said good and left the room. Hope!”

Oh, Tyler.  I love you, brother.

To all those who have just read this blog, please… PLEASE say a quick Ave Maria for my friend Tyler.

My misguided brother, Tyler.