The NHL is back!… Now shut up, already! – January 6th, 2013 9:16am

Saturday nights are about to get a little more familiar.  It’s “game on” for the NHL.  I hold no animosity, and never have; it’s about business.  It’s always been about business.  And the sooner ignorant fan understands that, and understands that he plays a pivotal role as “consumer”, and understands the age-old concept of free enterprise and FREE WILL in the marketplace (ever heard of “boycotting?”), the faster this society might return to some semblance of order.

I’ve almost had enough of envious blue and white collar Canadians admonishing pro hockey players and pro businessmen for the millions of dollars they have in their bank accounts.  Get over it.  Grow.  Up.  Then, get back to filling those same pockets you loathe so much.

Whew.  That felt good.
I can’t believe how many liberal folk are out there.
Conservatism better role up its sleeves; there is much work to do.