Tag Archives: Damian Goddard

“Antonin Scalia; Not Bad Enough” – July 2nd, 2013 9:28 am

Here is further evidence that one cannot be a good US Supreme Court justice AND a better Catholic devoted to the Church’s teachings.

In my opinion, Emily Bazelon isn’t far off course when she says this of Justice Scalia – “…he directs most of his rage at the five-justice majority, not at proponents of gay marriage… He’s surprisingly OK with ballot initiatives and laws that have approved gay marriage. Scalia doesn’t share the morals of gay marriage supporters, but he is willing to live and let live.”

The more I think about it, the more I am inclined to believe that it is this false notion of “religious liberty” that is at the centre of this free-fall. “Religious liberty” and Pope Pius XI’s “restoration of the Empire of Our Lord” are at diametric poles.  That is becoming abundantly clear to yours truly.

But here’s the question; if we can’t even reverse “Fortnight” potluck parties – as my pal Louie Verrecchio has posited – how are we to turn back the tide of a secularized religiosity that simply cannot be reconciled with what Christ expects from us?

What About Olivia? – November 29th, 2012 4:34pm

Olivia Pratten is only 29 years old. If things work out for her, she’ll live a long and fruitful life.

Which makes it, also, a little more painful to bear.

The “it” I’m referring to is the fact Olivia has no recourse at her disposal to find out who her natural father is.

The story is another agonizing example of just how lost our culture has become on matters of family, sexuality, health and happiness.

Here’s the deal. Olivia was the product of selfish parents. I know. Harsh, huh? I mean, who am I to call those parents “selfish” when I don’t even know them?

Well, then let me spin it another way. Pratten was NOT the product of a woman and man who married and longed to love each other to the point of creating a tiny baby girl they would name “Olivia”.

Is that better?

Well, as dumb-luck would have it, Olivia’s parents frequented a sperm bank, her mom got pregnant, and the rest is history, as they say. A history which also includes Olivia’s biological history. Which does not include the chromosomal make-up of her biological father.

Olivia Pratten has only half of the story of her own flesh and bones. I couldn’t imagine what that would be like. I simply cannot fathom how it must feel knowing that I’m being denied the right… the absolute RIGHT!… to know my own father.

But how have we come to this? How is it that a British Columbia Court of Appeal can unconscionably and callously look into the eyes of this woman in her prime, Olivia Pratten, and tell her she has no right to know her medical history via lineage?

How have we come to this? Well, the answer is obvious. Isn’t it? Look around. How does our culture treat marriage? How does it view sexuality? And family? And health matters? And… God?

The door to this nonsense was opened up some 40-years ago. The door is wide open, now. And it’s going to take an act of God to close it again.

And let’s be clear; the door needs to be slammed shut. So while we ruminate on how wayward we’ve gone on conception, the crisis that has befallen the family, the removal of God from society, I ask you to first ponder this: there’s a 29-year old girl who was robbed blind by people who claim to love her, and this criminal act of stealing someone’s right to know her dad was just perpetuated by a court system that claims to fight for justice.

And now, I ask you this: what about Olivia Pratten?

Sword of Damo-cles #7 – Discipline – November 27th, 2012 7:34pm

Hey.  I’ll jump at any chance to include a clip from Kindergarten Cop into one of my S.O.D. instalments.

After all, I am a product of the pop culture generation.

But more important than a culture of pop, as wayward as it’s gone, is the culture of life.

And what will mark the success of the pro-life movement is how disciplined we’ll choose to be in this fight of our collective lives.

Discipline.  And Argonauts defense in  their Grey Cup win over Calgary.

I think it comes together pretty nicely.

But I’m more interested in what you think.

Pax Christi!

RebeccaBlackFridayFight… it comes together so well! Trust me

November 24th, 2012  12:23pm

Gang-banging… Bad Lip Reading-style.

This was way too good to pass up.  Albeit, 24 hours too late.

I just had to put a whacky spin on the tragic YouTube videos infiltrating cyber-space.  Yes, that’s “tragic”.

I mean, how else would one describe the animalistic behaviour of Black Friday shoppers literally climbing over their fellow man to gorge themselves on bargain-basement cell phones.

Thanks to the talented folks at Bad Lip Reading, I present to you Rebecca Black belting out “Gang Fight”, the “bass-ackward” version of “Friday”.