“We Have But One Mother. And She Does Not Live in San Diego.” – November 20th, 2014 2:21 am

Because grown men need to be addressed as little children who need to be “nurtured” by women who are not their mothers.

A most recent blog entry by Dr. Jennifer Roback-Morse of the Ruth Institute encapsulates the very essence of our cultural problem. The emasculation continues, unabated.

“If you are going to wear the Catholic label on your forehead, kindly make yourself as attractive as you can. Moaning and complaining and tearing each other down is NOT attractive.”

Said Jesus, never. Ever. (Matthew 16:23, Mark 16:14)
Said St. John the Baptist, never. Ever. (Luke 3:7-9)
Said the combative Saints, never. Ever. (Butler’s entry for St. Jerome is a remarkable example!)

And that would include St. Paul who not only took names, but kicked ass. And his confrere, St. Timothy, who took his friend’s words and recorded them under Warning against False Teaching (see Synod on the Family) in the first chapter of his First Epistle. The same St. Timothy who recorded Instructions to Women, of which, I am certain St. Paul would see this blog post as unbecoming.

St. Timothy is also the patron saint of stomach ailments. And Dr. Morse, whom I consider a friend, has brought on a nauseous feeling with this post. Imagine that; criticizing those who have justified concerns regarding this pontificate, nay not criticizing, but insulting the intelligence of men and women and addressing them as petulant children in need of scolding.

Father Bergoglio. And Mother Morse, insisting we “respect your father. That’s what good moms do.”

Weird. And not MY household.

“Recapturing the Spirit of PRE-Vatican II” – November 19th, 2014 11:06 pm

“I’m not entirely sure which governments Father has in mind here, but suffice to say that I reject the suggestion that a State that simply affords the Catholic Church the freedom that is hers by divine right is necessarily “recognizing the validity of the above claim.” Much less can one say that a State that also grants the very same right to the Church’s enemies “would ipso facto be recognizing the Kingship of Christ.”

Besides, an “ipso facto” expression of subjugation to the King is a pathetic substitute for the teaching put forth in Quas Primas which states that “not only private individuals but also rulers and princes are bound to give public honor and obedience to Christ.”

Surely, a government that truly recognizes the Kingship of Christ would not grant, as the Council demands, a civil right to religious freedom to those who reject Jesus Christ and oppose His reign. This would be like a government defending the right of rebels to overthrow it!”

– Louie Verrecchio, “The Uncrowning of Christ”

What you’ve got to love about the pre-conciliar texts is not only their following of Christ’s “yes, yes…no, no”, but their brevity and clarity, and the fact that the Magisterial pronouncements (take, for instance, “Quas Primas”) are all-or-nothing, throw-down-the-gauntlet calls to action.

This modern-day “pro-life activism” simply cannot hold a candle to what the church staunchly stood for, not so very long ago.

Can this spirit be recaptured? Sure it can. But not without suffering and ostracization. Draw that line in the sand, fellow Christian! And step boldly!

“As the Snow Falls, I Remember…” November 17th, 2014 9:55 am


With the snow gently and beautifully falling here in Oakville, I harken almost wistfully to the days of my childhood. Whereupon every first snowfall, this album was placed on the turntable and the mechanical arm would delicately place the needle on the first song of side “A”. I can almost hear the static through the tower speakers as we waited patiently for Mathis to do his thing… and for dad to do his; grab whoever was around (we loved it when it was mom!) and take them for a twirl while he belted out, Mathis-esque, “Winter Wonderland”.  I think I know what I’m doing with my kids when they get home.



Killing Her Softly With The Solemn Nonsense of Proselytism – October 7th, 2014 11:59 pm

This 29-year old California woman has brain cancer. Barring a miracle, this woman will die very soon. But she is hastening the process by moving to Oregon where she can legally kill herself with a lethal injection.

(Bear with me as I jump ahead a few steps, and try to control the anger that is welling up within me…)

And our pope is telling us that he is not interested in people becoming Catholic?  It is the Catholic faith that teaches that there are unimaginable graces that flow via expiatory suffering!  It is the Catholic faith which has case study upon case study of great men and women who attained sainthood explicitly because they chose to suffer for souls; their own, and others, for love of God!  The Catholic faith is an immeasurable gift that overcomes the most horrendous of earthly sufferings with promises that eye has not seen, nor ear heard.

And calling others, like Brittany Maynard and her family, to enter is… solemn nonsense?

Kyrie eleison. Pray that a miracle (of healing and/or conversion) takes hold in the lost soul of Brittany Maynard.

In Advance of the Synod on the Family – October 1st, 2014 12:50 am


“Now the honorable marriage of Christians, which Paul calls “a great sacrament in Christ and the Church,”[15] demands our shared concern lest anything contrary to its sanctity and indissolubility is proposed. Our predecessor Pius VIII would recommend to you his own letters on the subject. However, troublesome efforts against this sacrament still continue to be made. The people therefore must be zealously taught that a marriage rightly entered upon cannot be dissolved; for those joined in matrimony God has ordained a perpetual companionship for life and a knot of necessity which cannot be loosed except by death. Recalling that matrimony is a sacrament and therefore subject to the Church, let them consider and observe the laws of the Church concerning it. Let them take care lest for any reason they permit that which is an obstruction to the teachings of the canons and the decrees of the councils. They should be aware that those marriages will have an unhappy end which are entered upon contrary to the discipline of the Church or without God’s favor or because of concupiscence alone, with no thought of the sacrament and of the mysteries signified by it.”

“Mirari Vos” paragraph 12, Pope Gregory XVI August 15, 1832

Where is the post-conciliar church on this?  Why are not the venerable Bishops and Cardinal screaming from the rooftops that the people “must be zealously taught that a marriage rightly entered upon cannot be dissolved”?!

Why?  Because religious indifferentism and so-called liberty of conscience.

Number 14 –

“This shameful font of indifferentism gives rise to that absurd and erroneous proposition which claims that liberty of conscience must be maintained for everyone. It spreads ruin in sacred and civil affairs, though some repeat over and over again with the greatest impudence that some advantage accrues to religion from it. “But the death of the soul is worse than freedom of error,” as Augustine was wont to say.[21] When all restraints are removed by which men are kept on the narrow path of truth, their nature, which is already inclined to evil, propels them to ruin. Then truly “the bottomless pit”[22] is open from which John saw smoke ascending which obscured the sun, and out of which locusts flew forth to devastate the earth. Thence comes transformation of minds, corruption of youths, contempt of sacred things and holy laws — in other words, a pestilence more deadly to the state than any other. Experience shows, even from earliest times, that cities renowned for wealth, dominion, and glory perished as a result of this single evil, namely immoderate freedom of opinion, license of free speech, and desire for novelty.”

Cities are perishing.  Cultures are being dismantled.  And it is a faulty thing to think that this religious indifferentism has nothing to do with the current push to normalize what is abhorrent to God.

We were warned.  Time and again, we were warned.

The Gay “Marriage” Wake Of Death And Destruction: A Case Study – September 29th, 2014 8:39 pm

imagesCourtesy of heart-stricken mother and divorcée, Janna Darnelle – 

“My children are brought to gay parties where they are the only children and where only alcoholic beverages are served. They are taken to transgender baseball games, gay rights fundraisers, and LGBT film festivals…
My son is now a maturing teen… but how will he learn how to deal with that interest when he is surrounded by men who seek sexual gratification from other men?…
My daughter suffers too. She needs a dad who will encourage her to embrace her femininity and beauty… Her dad wears make-up and sex bondage straps for Halloween.”


So many of these stories are simply whisked under the carpet. But let’s be completely frank, here. Gay activism is partly to blame. But the main reason as to why we’ve arrived at this sordid state of affairs is so simple, a child would understand.

Are you ready? ‘Cuz here it is:

We. Have. Lost. The. Faith.

You are to blame. Yes. You, reading this. I am to blame. I’m at the front of the bus. And we… you and I… will be held to account for this madness.

But it’s not too late to stand up and be counted.

Will you? For the sake of Christ?

About As Wrong As Wrong Can Get – September 24th, 2014 12:54 pm


“But there is something worse than a black mass.  It is the abuse of God’s Mercy.”

So says Fr. Paul Nicholson.  And it breaks my heart.  But I’d be lying to you if I didn’t admit that my first emotion was utter contempt and disgust.

Let me preface what I’m about to say by stating that I know Fr. Nicholson personally.  We’ve recited the rosary on a “road trip” to Ferndale, Michigan.  He has slept in my home and broken bread with me, my wife Andrea and our two children Evelyn and Lukas.  For a very brief time, he provided Spiritual Direction.  While we have not spoken face-to-face since March 22nd, 2013 I believe him to be a good priest.  A good priest who, in my experiences, has questionable motives.  A good priest, with questionable motives, whom I love and pray for.

I first met him on the evening of March 19th, 2011 in Kitchener, Ontario at a speaking engagement featuring Michael Voris.  I had been following Michael on the internet for quite some time before the gala dinner and was enthused to have been asked by a friend if I’d like to accompany a band of fellow Catholics for a 45 minute drive to an event which promised to lift spirits.  At the time, I was one of the lead anchors of a nightly network sports program “Connected” on Rogers Sportsnet.  With the gala taking place on a Saturday, combined with the fact that I was a weekend sports anchor, I believed it to be well worth my while to request that evening off.  Difficult to do admittedly, as my work week consisted of a full-time gig squeezed into three days.  But, mission accomplished.  And I was stoked.

I was not only honoured to have met Mr. Voris that evening, but was humbled to have met the acquaintance of a jolly, diminutive priest by the name of Paul Nicholson.  The mediator of said encounter had joked something along the lines of “it’s not often you see high-profile, television broadcasters who are proudly Catholic who take the time to make it to events such as these.”  I had reiterated that I was the one who was truly grateful for being privy to such a dynamic talker, and spiritually buoyed by being amongst a throng of devoted Catholics assembled in one banquet hall.

I have good memories of Fr. Paul Nicholson that I refuse to stain with our subsequent falling out.  But, while it still stings a bit, I’ve reconciled with the fact that he no longer wants anything to do with me.

And now we approach the crux of this blog post.

Friends on social media, whether Twitter or Facebook, have come to realize just how outspoken I have been in recent years on not just the ineffable beauty of the Catholic faith, but the diabolical disputations crafted from outside the Church – and within! – which seek to undermine (as Pope Leo XIII of holy memory said, echoing St. Thomas Aquinas) the “Perfect Society” that Christ Himself established.  With much thanks due to one Louie Verrecchio, who has become a very close friend, my eyes have been opened to the extraordinary, traditional teachings of the Holy Magisterium.  The pre-conciliar texts from our Holy Pontiffs scream of an impending war with those who feel the church needs to change with the times.  Of course, that notion is simply preposterous.  “The right to be wrong”?  Un-Catholic, full stop.  And with that, the condemnation of so-called religious liberty follows suit.  To wit, it is accurate to say this (and of course it will offend many); it is impossible to please God outside of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Catholic Church.

Islam.  Protestantism.  Judaism.  Buddhism.  Zoroastrianism.  Wicca…


These are all religions.  All of them gradate from Truth.  The last one has not a shred of it.  But it is a religion – a false one, from the pit of hell – notwithstanding.

And that leads me to Fr. Paul’s recent blog post where he not only acknowledges the evil of the satanic black mass, but sadly – maddeningly! – associates the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) with these vile calumniators of Christ!

If any faithful Catholic has ever taken the time to research on a mere cursory level what precisely happens in a black mass, the roiling filth through which these disturbed souls drag Love Himself, they know how much hatred I have in my soul for this demonic worship.  And it always saddens my heart when fellow Catholics, in the spirit of Vatican II “religious liberty”, DE FACTO hold up this sordid sorcery in an effort to appease man and his sensibilities.

And where are God’s rights?  Put under the bus, as they say.

And the defence of this cowardly position which, in its essence, spits in the eye of Christ’s Great Commission?  “Well, God is all merciful.”

Yes.  In this age, the “abuse of God’s mercy” holds a penthouse view courtesy of Vatican II!  But then, one must acknowledge God’s mercy in order to “abuse” it… no?

Which brings us back to Fr. Paul’s quote.  Satanists hate God.  They despise Him as un-merciful.  So how is it that the SSPX could be guilty of a greater crime?  They would be, if they were in cloak and dagger, disguised as satan’s beguiling proxies.

But they are not!  They are not.  Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, of good memory (I pray for the day I can state “of HOLY memory”, but this post-conciliar church – if I am correct – does not permit me to use such a phrase in this context… and I will be obedient), refused to buy into this new church mentality which was prophesied by previous popes and prelates (and SAINTS), too many to list here.  As it says in the meme provided on this post, Archbishop Lefebvre never changed… never wavered from Sacred Tradition.  And while I am not in any way, shape, or form associated with his Society, I honour him for his steadfast ways.

I have been to the Traditional Latin Mass more times in the past two years than I have been in the previous 40.  And I can’t tell you how much it fills my soul to be present at the Vetus Ordo.  To see the ancient Roman rite re-presented right in front of my eyes at it has been done for some 1500 years.

Fifteen HUNDRED years!  Lest we forget, we have in part Archbishop Lefebvre to thank for this.

Not cast his brothers as worse than active, diabolical desacralizers of Christ!

Heaven forbid it.


They Lull Us, With the Dreams of Man – September 14th, 2014 12:41 am

It was Lennon who, through popular music, gave us “Imagine”.

It was Chaplin who, through popular film, gave us the speech from “The Great Dictator”.

Both pose as highly dangerous pieces of propaganda; designed to reduce Christ, and in His place, promote the worship of man.

True peace is unattainable without the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you the Church is not important in this relationship with God.

When they shout, like Chaplin shouts, “Soldiers, in the name of Democracy!  Let us all, unite!”, don’t listen.

Don’t listen when they promise riches and sharing and freedom and liberty and peace in this world.

Don’t listen, for we are not made for this world.

Yes, the Hollywood star of silent films champions in the video the Gospel of St. Luke chapter 17.  Verse 21 states, “For lo, the kingdom of God is within you.”  Chaplin is quick to point to this verse, in an attempt to puff up man.  And yet, the moment from which the quote comes is when Jesus is explaining “the coming of the Kingdom”.  The payoff hits home – “For as the lightening that lighteneth from under heaven, shineth unto the parts that are under heaven, so shall the Son of man be in his day.  But first he must suffer many things, and be rejected by this generation.”

Rejection by this generation.  The story of the Holy Martyrs.

No, soldier.  In the name of Christ the King, let us all unite.  Soldier, let us pick up our cross and follow Him.

On Cruz, Kreeft, Comforters, And Quality Catholicism – September 13th, 2014 4:46 pm


The great mind plunges deeper into waters of understanding.  But, in the case of Peter Kreeft, perhaps the great mind – to his own peril – comes up for some unnecessary “air”.  The temptation of holding on to a humanistic world view when the stuff’s about to hit the fan, is strong.  Even for strong minds, like Professor Kreeft.

To wit –

“Nothing in the Jewish Scriptures contradicts Christianity, but some things in the Qur’an do. Yet even here, an ‘ecumenical jihad’ is possible and is called for, for the simple and strong reason that Muslims and Christians preach and practice the same First Commandment; Islam, total surrender submission of the human will to the divine will. We fight side by side not only because we face a common enemy but above all because we serve and worship the same divine Commander.”

– Peter Kreeft, “Ecumenical Jihad”, written in 1996.

And yet, 8 years EARLIER came this from “Fundamentals of the Faith” –

“Two unsettling facts dominate the relations between Christianity and Islam:
1. Dialogue is almost nonexistent. Islam resists ecumenical dialogue more than any other religion. To “proselytize” in any way in a Moslem country is to go to prison.
2. Islam once nearly conquered the world, in the early Middle Ages when its empire stretched from Spain to Indonesia, and it looks as if it could do so again. Islamic growth rates in Africa and even America are phenomenal….
Christians should hope and pray that their separated Islamic brothers and sisters be reunited with our common Father by finding Christ the Way. We cannot stop “proselytizing,” for proselytizing means leading our brothers Home.”

– Peter Kreeft, “Fundamentals of the Faith”, 1988

There seems to exist in our current culture, a dire need to not only look for someone’s arm but to grab at it willy-nilly like some security blanket, in the march to fight the forces of evil. While I’ve been spending quite some time paying attention to this human mechanism, pondering its application to religious persecution, I haven’t quite been able to articulate it properly. I’m still not there, but I feel I’m getting closer. The Sen. Ted Cruz situation seems to have crystallized matters much for me in recent days.

This is what it comes down to; I’m feeling deep within my soul a need to slough off any need to conform in the spirit of fraternity. It’s not good enough that Cruz calls himself a Christian. It’s not good enough to “stand with Israel” if we don’t explicitly understand what that means. It’s not good enough that Muslims claim – along with wayward Catholics –  that Islam worships the One True God. As Peter Kreeft unintentionally points out in his Ecumenical Jihad days, it’s not good enough – nay, it’s counter-productive! – to wrap ourselves up in fraternal, “down-filled comforters” in this war against the enemy.  Sometimes, the common enemy of those with whom we fight side by side isn’t all that… common, upon further inspection.

They say “there are no atheists in foxholes.”  For the theist, our “foxhole” is faith, structured on two pillars: Scripturam et Traditionem.  We march forward as individuals steeped in rigorous adherence to our faith, not mealy-mouthed in a spirit of going along to get along.  In recent days, I’ve found that to come down with heavy-handed criticism of Cruz will invoke verbal “Jew-hater” beat-downs, courtesy of Cruz’s “conservative” fan-boy base.

Sometimes the bombs will be lobbed at us from within our “own camp”.  Such are these times.

It’s time for strict adherence to Traditional Catholic Teaching, even if it means having to put Jews and Israel under the microscope.
It’s time for fearless proselytization, regardless of what our Church leaders strongly suggest, even if it means losing our head both figuratively and literally.
It’s time to get “Kreeft-ian” (circa ’88) fundamental on the fundamentalists.

Don’t be deceived by the enemy, Satan. There are no friends. Only the faith.

Standing for freedom. Standing for faith