“Hey! How ‘Bout a National Tweet in Defense of Marriage Day?… And How’d You Like a Free Booklet on Marriage?” – February 20th, 2013 7:15 pm

So, check this out.  I was just thinkin’…

To all those who are in search of something highly digestible and clear-cut on the issue of marriage, I urge you to pick up Bill May’s “getting the marriage conversation right”.

Just over 70 pages in length, it is a wonderful work geared at extolling the virtues of one man/one woman; not tearing a strip off of those who may disagree with the age-old institution.

Bill, thank you so much for your personalized copy.

To return the favour, I will purchase 10 copies myself and send them out to the first 10 people who do the following:
– send a tweet stating “I completely and wholeheartedly support the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage.”
– send me proof of your tweet as a link, and email it to heyday@me.com
– I will then post your tweet on damiangoddard.com and send out your copy of “getting the marriage conversation right”.
– I will then conduct a short interview with you (via Skype, telephone, on camera – if you live close by!) about your marriage story that will air on damiangoddard.com

But that’s not all.  Tell ’em what else you’ve got in store, Damo.

Furthermore, I’m hoping you all can help me out with this idea I have. I tweeted in defense of marriage on May 10th, 2011, but was fired from Rogers Sportsnet the following day. I was thinking I’d like to launch an initiative supporting traditional marriage. I dunno. Something like “National Tweet in Defense of Marriage Day”. Would it just be based in Canada? Do we hold it on May 10th or the 11th?

I think it’d be a great idea! What do you think? Please let me know.

If there are any good folk out there who’d like to help me in this endeavour, I’d truly appreciate it.