Here it is. The opening.
It’s the place usually reserved for the “I like him… I consider him a friend” preamble. But, you see, my personal relationship with Michael Coren is neither here nor there. Especially when it comes to this most sensitive issue.
Sure, we can give the benefit of the doubt to men like Austin Ruse who actually experienced first-hand the persecution of gays in Russia… and then brilliantly wrote about the lie that continues to be perpetrated in the western world.
But for Mr. Coren, there is no excuse. He is a journalist. He is a brilliant, brilliant man. And he owns a computer and a phone. Make a few calls – as I did – and do more than a few google searches – which I also did – and it’s painfully obvious that homosexuals aren’t being roughed up in the back-alleys of Moscow.
And yet, this was the nonsense that was being pushed to Gwen Landolt during a recent appearance on Sun News Network’s “The Arena”. What matters here, are the facts:
1) Russia’s laws are aimed at protecting children… if only we westerners cared so much about ours.
2) John Baird, in one of the highest offices in the land, is pushing his gay agenda on other nations.
3) Gwen Landolt stands in direct opposition to any violence perpetrated against those who identify as gay.
And yes. It matters not in the least that Coren, who “hasn’t seen John in years”, “likes him very much.”
And yes. Gwen Landolt, with her lifelong commitment to upholding Christian values, deserves an apology.