All posts by Damian Goddard

“We Follow Orders, Or People Die.” – August 12th, 2014 1:55 pm

“We follow orders, or people die.”


A quote from Col. Nathan R. Jessup from “A Few Good Men”?

Or maybe, just maybe, these are words best directed to Christian folk who could give two shits about the job they are mandated to perform. And when we speak of “job”, we’re not talking about the one behind the McDonald’s counter, or the one that involves pushing paper in the industrial area office, or the one where you’re donned in Armani, sunk into a leather recliner, perched on the top floor of a business high-rise, on the horn with your assistant, setting up Tuesday’s tee-time with George.

I’m talking about *that* job… the one involving souls.

And when we speak of “mandate”, that’s not by accident. We are commissioned to put our hands to the plough by an Authority way more fearful than the boss peering out his window at you, galloping to the door at 9:23 am.

From ISIS, to Robin Williams, to a pope preaching the “solemn nonsense” of proselytism, we have lived life too soft for too long.

Peace does exist. But get it through your thick skull; it ain’t here in the temporal realm.


“Schizophrenia… Or, That Other Dude?” – July 30th, 2014 2:29 pm

“Anderson Cooper simulates Schizophrenia.” That’s what the video investigates.


But as a devout Catholic, I saw something else. And it gave me chills.

Remember these two things before you click and view: 1) if we could see the demons inhabiting this world, they would blot out the sun, and 2) Satan has an implacable work ethic.

Are you in a state of grace? If not, get your ass to a confessional. Schnell.


Justin Trudeau, Thank You. And Go To Hell. – July 9th, 2014 9:19 pm

Good Christian folk need to start understanding this (sadly) little known fact; it is our DUTY to impose our morality.

Justin Trudeau was unequivocal in his statement regarding “his” party’s pro-abortion views – “Under my leadership, incoming Liberal MPs will always vote in favour of a woman’s fundamental rights.”

Always.  Y’know.  As in, ALL… WAYS.

And you know what?  Trudeau gets it.  He gets that the left’s approach in promulgating the culture of death has always been about imposing a warped sense of morality.
And this is precisely where Christianity has missed the boat.

Forget for a moment the fallacy that Christian proselytism is solemn nonsense.  The Christian mandate has always been about imposing morality.
In our homes.
In the workplace.
In the House of flippin’ Commons.

But then, we’ve lost our zeal for the faith. Haven’t we?

For the record Justin Trudeau, I agree with your approach. And you and your stance in favour of the outright slaying of innocent human life in utero, can go to hell.

Somebody’s got to impose their morality.  One way or another, somebody’s got to do it.  And the pro-death movement is winning.

When are we gonna wise up to the fact that Christians have trashed their mandate?… their birth-right?

How long until a Canadian political party leader steps up to the mic, and steeped in right reason, states  “Under my leadership, incoming MPs will always vote in favour of GOD’S fundamental rights!”  And of course, that right includes the outright CRIMINAL condemnation of abortion.

How long?  How long, Oh Lord?images

“The Koran Canard and Crumbling Catholicism” – May 13th, 2013 9:01 am

And what if the Satanic Temple had burned a Koran?
But, of course, that can never, ever happen, if you believe Our Lord’s words in the Gospel of St. Matthew 12:26 –

“And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself: how then shall his kingdom stand?”

Along with the Koran staple statement, I hear Catholics say “but it wasn’t a consecrated Host… it was just a “study” in the black mass… ”
Really? That’s your response?

The best you can come up with is “if they were burning a Koran, Muslims would have burned the house down”?

Jesse Romero states in one of his talks how it’s amazing how devoted other religions in comparison to Catholics. It’s amazing how far they’ll go, what they’ll do… FOR A LIE.

Read the following post and then get back to me with your “Koran canard”.  **VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED**

We. Don’t. Get. It. – May 12th, 2014 6:44 pm

Some psychopath says they’re heading over to extract your mother from her home, take her to a place and people wrought with demonic behaviour, and once at said establishment will continue sending thunderous punches upon her face for… say.. an hour, or so. At least until the “ceremony” is done.

Lemme guess. Your reaction is to say some Rosaries. Or go over to your dad’s and talk about how great mom is. And how she’ll be able to weather the storm, ‘cuz… well… she’s “tough as nails”. Or, maybe wax on the fact that “well mothers, throughout the course of human history, have been getting filled with fists!.. and look!… they’re still standin’.  A mom’s LUUURRV conquers all, my brother!”

I once heard a holy priest say during a sermon that one of his Protestant friends had once attended the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Let me correct that.  This searching-for-answers Protestant happened upon a “holy” “sacrifice” of the “mass”.  In the sermon, the priest’s voice re-tells the shock and horror from what his friend witnessed.  The Protestant quipped, something to the effect of, “I don’t believe what you’ve told me about the Catholic faith.  Because if I DID, then what the hell was that I saw last Sunday!”

The world is watching Harvard.  And that means, the world is watching the Catholic reaction to the GREATEST INJUSTICE THAT CAN EVER BE PERPETRATED ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH.  That’s right.  What will go down at that “temple” is more egregious than 54 million abortions.  That’s the fact, Jack.  Deal with it.

The world is watching.  And the demons.  And those dirty bastards are giggling with delight.Unknown
St. Tarcisius, pray for us.

“It Makes You Wanna Sing!…” – March 10th, 2014 10:48 pm

…but alas, we are not permitted to sing “Alleluia” during Lent.

One of my favourite Lighthouse Catholic Media cd’s is “Why Go To Mass; the Blood of the New Covenant” by Bishop Alexander Sample.  It’s enough to turn any Protestant into a Catholic, and good enough to make a Catholic a better Catholic.

His Excellency is now the Archbishop of Portland, Oregon.  And Archbishop Sample’s love of liturgy washes over you, if you give this YouTube video the 24 minutes it so justly deserves.

As Fr. Z. put it, “The Traditional Mass is not going away.  It will not be stopped.”

Deo Gratias!

From Sumter To Selma, It Ain’t About Sex… Is it? – February 25th, 2013. 4:38 pm

At no point during the Reformation Era did the Catholic Church lend a shoulder to cry on to the defeated slave-holding faction of the Confederate south.

And at no point in the subsequent 100 years, right up to the 60’s Civil Rights Movement, did the Catholic Church support a southern restauranteur’s “right” to not serve a black person at the counter.

But you can bet your boots that the Catholic Church supports the right for a Catholic to operate his/her business in accordance with the BASIC tenets of the faith.  Even if Bishops remain silent, the Catholic Church fully endorses Catholic hoteliers who refuse to host a “gay wedding”.

In my opinion, here’s how we work around this whole Arizona “religious liberty” kerfuffle.  Business owners should start adorning their places of business with assorted religious icons, paraphernalia, and signage boldly stating the faith.    This is what it has come to.  Nay, this is what it once was.  When people used to wear their love of Christ the King on their sleeves.

When It’s NOT “Brave” to Kill the Innocent – January 30th, 2014 11:53 am

“I wrote this on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, not to convince you to be Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. I wrote this because the women who choose to have abortions are real people with real emotions and real reasons why they chose that path. Choosing abortion is not easy for anyone and it is something that will effect them for the rest of their lives. Please be respectful when expressing your opinion and know that you can truly never say what you would do if you were in that woman’s situation.”

The age of “feelings”. Except for the tiny soul who will never, ever develop those feelings in this mortal coil.

Read this.PregnancyTest-550 And understand that IF that woman had walked out of the abortion clinic refusing to conduct one of the most heinous of crimes, she would NOT have been exemplifying “Fortitude”. Fortitude, would have been the woman (a la Mary Wagner) sitting down next to this lost soul in the clinic, with a rose in one hand, and the love of Christ falling from her lips, risking her very freedom to see that this world witnesses one less abortion.

If BOTH the woman who penned this heartbreaking account AND Mary Wagner/Linda Gibbons-types are ‘courageous’… if everyone is ‘courageous’, then the word has lost its meaning. Then the word no longer exists. Then “Fortitude”, one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, has been reduced to a joke. If we are going to call women who do not kill their own young ‘brave’, then – I’m afraid – God is being mocked. And Satan must be astonished at the work he’s getting done in our world.