Oh, how we have squandered the liberties and freedoms afforded us, by those before us, who lost their lives fighting for it.
They lost their lives, folks. Dead. But oh so living, in my hope… for greater love hath no man that he lay down his life for another.
And what? What are we worried about? Right here, right now. Here in Canada.. the true north… strong?… free?…
What’re we worried about? Losing a few friends on Facebook? Stepping out of line at work, and thus forfeiting that promotion?
Is there a sense of foreboding in this post? I wish it were not so. There is a fear here in Canada that is palpable. You can taste it, in how folk have become so afraid to speak basic truths, to openly live a life based on these intrinsic values we hold near and dear.
And I hope I’m wrong, but the final domino of freedom is about to fall. Barring a miracle.
I’ve spent the better part of a year chiming in on the American Presidential Election which is now upon us. This election doesn’t just affect Americans. It is of vital importance not just to Canadians. This is for the free world.
It is my opinion that the United States cannot bear another four years of Barack Obama. That said, Mitt Romney is still a vote for evil. Just… lesser than, as if that’s supposed to give us the warm and fuzzies.
This path we’re on is about to get a whole lot rockier. How strong are we? How resilient? How dedicated DO WE WANT TO BE in rebuilding a society in moribund decay?
Is it possible to recapture what has been squandered? The answer is, yes.
Americans like to say “One Nation, under God.” We here in Canada would like to borrow that. It’s my hope that the entire world does the same.
But a hinge is about to swing on history. What world will we wake up to on Wednesday, November 7th?
I am a history grad from the University of Western Ontario. I’ve always taken a shining to history lessons. Here’s an excellent one.
Good night. And God bless us all.