Category Archives: BLOG

It’s Day 2 at Catholic Stand… And ALREADY I’ve Got Issues! – January 26th, 2013 3:53pm

Like I’ve been sayin’, Catholic Stand is in full effect… yo.
Check out this brief yet profound write-up on abortion by good friend and website co-creator Stacy Trasancos.

It caused me to ruminate on a couple of issues. In the fourth point, what is meant by “we should not worry about limbo”? In point #5, shouldn’t it read “IT IS MY HOPE each unborn child killed by abortion has a guardian angel”?

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on the “Limbo” topic lately, and so I ask –
– can God use evil for good? and if He can, DOES He use evil for good?
– if so, then does it not make sense to deduce that all aborted babies go to Heaven and that baptism isn’t ENTIRELY necessary?
– and if that is the case, can it also be argued that the mothers who abort and the doctors who perform these abortions are unfairly demonized seeing as they are ACTIVELY helping build God’s Kingdom by DIRECTLY populating Heaven?

I, for one, believe we SHOULD “worry about limbo”. I fully believe that baptism is necessary.  I do also believe that Jesus worried about Limbo, seeing as He went there Himself to free souls. It was not enough to leave them “languishing” in an inestimable joy that we can’t possibly fathom. Ergo, it is not enough for us to assume/presume that aborted babies “have it good” when, I BELIEVE, we need to be hardcore in this fight that abortion denies TO SOME EXTENT the ultimate gift – participation in the Beatific Vision! If Limbo does not exist for aborted babies, we do no harm in believing it is a place of supernatural joy for those souls. If it DOES exist, and we have a lax attitude in leading ALL SOULS to Heaven, well then… that makes me extremely nervous.

Very deep stuff here, folks.  And now, excuse me while I set up another episode of “Caillou” on Netflix.

Big News for! – January 25th, 2013 10:47pm

Things are certainly amping up for!

Three more speaking engagements slated for this spring/summer are close to being firmed up.  Details to follow shortly.

As well, Catholic Stand is up and running!  Please check it out!  My first column will appear this upcoming Tuesday.  Really looking forward to that.

And things on the broadcast front are developing nicely, too!

I enjoyed an AWESOME film shoot today with my pal David Domet at St. Patrick’s in Kinkora, discussing the beauty and significance of chant in the liturgy.  When FatherPaul Nicholson’s away, the mice will play.  Make that, rats. Rats of unusual size!  Don’t worry, Fr. Nicholson, we left everything just as we left it inside your splendid “home”.

Looking forward to putting things together in post-production, but first… Stephanie Gray‘s one-sided debate with late-term abortionist Dr. Fellows at Brock University last week!  Stephanie, myself and the good people at the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform will be releasing some pretty stirring commentary from the debate within days.  You’ll hardly believe your ears and eyes!

As well, Ms. Gray will be joining me in studio for an interview to be filmed at a date-as-yet-undetermined. Also joining me on will be the esteemed Jill Stanek; another hero in the war to defend innocent life.  And I am also privileged to announce that one of the greats of our time, Dr. Peter Kreeft, has agreed to join me on camera from my in-home, broadcast studio!

Wow.  Am I blessed, or what?

But garsh, I’m tuckered out.

G’night, John boy.

“Legit Catholic Blogger” Just Hit Another Level – January 24th, 2013 2:25pm

I’ve met some awfully special people since my firing from Rogers Sportsnet in May 2011.

Stacy Trasancos is one of them.

And it is because of Stacy that I’ve been afforded a most wonderful opportunity.  I have been asked to join a handful of dedicated Catholics to contribute to what, God willing, will be an incredible website geared towards proclaiming the Catholic faith.  Aptly, it is called Catholic Stand!  Strong.  Just right for the times, dontcha think?

My first article comes your way Tuesday, January 29th.

Launch date – Friday, January 25th.

Yup.  The Feast Day of a guy who, many moons ago, took a stand… only to get his butt knocked off his horse!  That same guy changed his ways, and took a proper stand – a Catholic Stand.

St. Paul, pray for us.

Daily Gospel – January 24th, 2013

In today’s Gospel reading, unclean spirits testify to Christ.  They know EXACTLY who He is.


It is not enough to claim “I am Christian”.  It is not enough.


Not only is it not enough to claim Christianity, but it is sinister to claim it while proclaiming the “right” of women’s “choice” and the “equality” of gay “marriage”.


As Blessed John XXIII so beautifully puts it in today’s Gospel commentary,


Holy Church is not like a palace that is built in a year. It is a vast city which must one day cover the whole universe… The building was begun twenty centuries ago, but it spreads and stretches through all lands until the name of Christ is everywhere adored. As the Church increases so new nations, hearing the good news, rejoice.”

Fellow Christian, get on with it!  Proclaim the Truth of the Gospel.

And fearfully… with an interior trembling that has your soul proclaiming as St. Thomas said in the Upper Room, “My Lord, and my God”!

Daily Gospel – 1:24:13