Stark-raving sick, sad, little… political advertisement – November 6th, 2012 4:25pm

This is absolute madness.  How is it that anyone can take this Obama ad seriously?  How can anyone vote for this madman?

So let’s just cut through the haze, here.  The Obama team has young, innocent girls step in front of a camera to beg their mothers to vote for Obama, so that Obama can help enable those children to one day slay the little, innocent girls growing in their womb.

How bone-chilling that those very children are advocating for a man who could care less for their very existence.

The again, that’s evil for ya.  Bone-chilling.  Disturbing.  Stark-raving sick, and sad.

So says Incubus – “The world is a joke when out of love… please come back to us.”