Ohhh…Bama…Da – November 6th, 2012 2:44pm

So, just how popular is Comrade Soetoro here in Canada?

Well, the question should be – what kind of Canadian supports the current Commander-in-Thief?  Thanks to the Toronto Sun and an Ispos-Reuters poll, we have a pretty good idea.

As all Canuckle-heads know, there are two sets of Canadians: those who are “left of centre”, and those who swap kvass recipes while printing off Nicholas II dart-board facades in their down time.

I’m, as they say, off this reservation.  And yet, I’m devotedly Canadian.  I’d say I’m “conservative”, if not for the fact that I self-identify as “Catholic”.  The word is so very powerful.  If you’re not familiar with it, I suggest you look it up.  Really interesting stuff!

Anyhoo, apparently 84% of Canadians would hitch themselves to the Obama-wagon if given the opportunity to deke behind the curtain.

Eighty-freakin’-four per cent.  Disappointing?  That’s putting it mildly.

Crazy?   “POLO!”.

But it’s reality, folks.  And it should be a stark reminder for us freedom-loving, faith-filled Canadians of the work that lies before us.

I’ve been roof-topping about the need to “live your faith out loud” and “speak out for freedom”.  But let’s understand this, as well.  Doing so will come at a cost.  The losses may come in the form of friends, family members, co-workers.  God forbid it results in the loss of job, income, or the ability to head down the street with the family for a little take-out.

However this American election shakes down, we’ve gotta hold on to the joy that ONLY CHRIST CAN BRING!

So yes.  You can be pissed off as the number “84” rattles around in your brain, fellow Canuck.

Just remember to – more often than naught – turn that frown up-side down, Charlie Brown.

And when the need arises, give Lucy a little “what for”.

It’s what freedom-loving folk do, for Pete’s sake.